Publications 2014
13. A. Mannila, Light guiding in silk fibres, Master thesis (2014).
12. L. Li, X. Zheng, C. Jin, M. Qi, X. Chen, Z. Ren, J. Bai, and Z. Sun, High repetition rate Q-switched radially polarized laser with a graphene-based output coupler, Applied Physics Letters, 105, 221103, (2014) (pdf).
11. C. Huang, F. Ye, Z. Sun and X. Chen, Tunable subwavelength photonic lattices and solitons in periodically patterned graphene monolayer, Optics Express 22, 30108-30117 (2014) (pdf).
10. H. Shi, C. Wang, Z. Sun, Y. Zhou, K. Jin, S. A. T. Redfern and G. Yang, Tuning the nonlinear optical absorption of reduced graphene oxide by chemical reduction, Optics Express 22, 19375-19385 (2014) (pdf).
9. X. Li, Y. Wang, Y. Wang, W. Zhao, X. Yu, Z. Sun, X. Cheng, X. Yu, Y. Zhang, and Q. Wang, Nonlinear absorption of SWNT film and its effects to the operation state of pulsed fiber laser, Optics Express 22, 17227-17235 (2014) (pdf).
8. V. J. Wittwer, C. A. Zaugg, Z. Sun ; D, Popa, S. Milana, T. S. Kulmala, R. S. Sundaram, M. Mangold, M. Golling, Y. Lee, J. H. Ahn, U. Keller and A. C. Ferrari, Graphene saturable absorbers for VECSELs, SPIE LASE, 89660X (2014) (pdf).
7. C. A. Zaugg, V. J. Wittwer, Z. Sun, D. Popa, S. Milana, T. S. Kulmala, R. S. Sundaram, M. Mangold, M. Golling, Y. Lee, J. H. Ahn, A. C. Ferrari and U. Keller, Graphene modelocked VECSELs, SPIE LASE, 896607 (2014) (pdf).
6. T. Hasan, Z. Sun, P. Tan, D. Popa, E. Flahaut, E. J. R. Kelleher, F. Bonaccorso, F. Wang, Z. Jiang, F. Torrisi, G. Privitera, V. Nicolosi, and A. C. Ferrari, Double Wall Carbon Nanotubes for Wide-Band, Ultrafast Pulse Generation, ACS Nano, 8, 4836–4847 (2014) (pdf).
5. B. Fu, Y. Hua, X. Xiao, H. Zhu, Z. Sun, C. Yang, Broadband Graphene Saturable Absorber for Pulsed Fiber Lasers at 1, 1.5 and 2 µm, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 20, 1100705 (2014) (pdf).
4. T. J. Echtermeyer, P. S. Nene, M. Trushin, R. V. Gorbachev, A. L. Eiden, S. Milana, Z. Sun, J. Schliemann, E. Lidorikis, K. S. Novoselov and A. C. Ferrari, Photo-thermoelectric and photoelectric contributions to light detection in metal-graphene-metal photodetectors, Nano Letters, 14, 3733-3742 (2014) (pdf).
3. Y. Chen, G. Kang, A. Shah, V. Pale, Y. Tian, Z. Sun, I. Tittonen, S. Honkanen, and H. Lipsanen, Improved SERS Intensity from Silver Coated Black Silicon by Tuning Surface Plasmons, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 1, 1300008 (2014) (pdf).
2. L. Li, X. Zheng, X. Chen, M. Qi, Z. Ren, J. Bai, and Z. Sun, High-power diode-side-pumped Nd:YAG solid laser mode-locked by CVD graphene, Optics Communications, 315, 204–207 (2014) (pdf).
1. F. Bonaccorso and Z. Sun, Solution processing of graphene, topological insulators and other 2d crystals for ultrafast photonics, Optical Materials Express, 4, 63-78 (2014) (pdf).