Hydride vapor phase epitaxy (HVPE)
Researchers: Markku Sopanen, Abuduwayiti Aierken, Lauri Riuttanen
Optoelectronics Group of Department of Micro and Nanosciences at Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering has initiated a project on galliumnitride wafer growth technology. In this project a novel research-grade reactor (HVPE) will be developed in order to fabricate thick GaN and AlGaN templates with reduced threading dislocation density. The reactor will be employed to grow wafers up to a thickness of 300-500 micrometers.
Components manufactured on these templates have significantly lower density of defects than those fabricated on sapphire wafers. Because of this the optical power of the components is enhanced. Therefore, these kinds of templates are very promising substrates for, e.g., homoepitaxial MOCVD growth of GaN based efficient high-power devices, such as laser diodes, high-power light emitting diodes, or transistors.
Thick substrate wafers grown in this project can be used to manufacture brighter LEDs and, hence, might assist the progress of LED lighting.