Family Day 15.9.2018
The event is for personnel, Electrical Engineering alumni and invited guests with their families, and it has something to offer for everyone.
The School of Electrical Engineering organises a Family Day for its personnel, alumni and invited guests on Saturday 15 September 2018 at 13–17. The programme has something to offer for everyone. ELEC Family Day is free of charge, but requires registration, which ends on Thu 6 September 2018 at 8 pm. You can also sign up for electrical car test drives and kids’ workshops using the registration form.
There will be as many as eight workshops for children, such as making electricity from lemons and researching colours dissolving from colourful candies with real researcher equipment. The programme also contains short information bulletins about current issues such as cyber security, smart buildings and space technology. Furthermore, there will be presentations suitable for everyone (in Finnish) on topics such as ‘Future of transportation’ and ‘Artificial intelligence´.
There will also be police cars and fire engines for everyone to view. To top it all off, you can test drive an electric car: nine electric cars of different makes from Tesla to Volkswagen will be available for testing.
Sign up to the event by Thursday 6 September 2018 at 20 pm. You can also sign up for electrical car test drives and kids’ workshops using the registration form. Please note that registration is obligatory, even though you would not sign up for workshops or test drives.
Registration is closed.
Arriving to the Event
You can arrive to Otaniemi by metro. Take the western exit (Tietotie) and walk to the event premises at Maarintie 8 (approx. 150 metres).
If you arrive by car, enter the parking by taking the small road between Maarintie 8 and Maarintie 10, where you will be given a parking permit by a guide, or alternatively, you can ask for one at the Maarintie 8 lobby.
The event registration desk is open from 12.30 until 15.00 at the lobby of Maarintie 8. You will receive an event pass for you and your family, food tickets and the programme leaflet. Each family or participant will receive a number that will help you to find your event passes on the registration desk. The number will be sent to you by e-mail before the event.
Cloakroom and Toilets
There is an unattended cloakroom at the lobby. You will find toilets on the lobby and there is also one room reserved as baby changing facilities.
Food and beverages
Coffee, tea and snacks, and ice cream for the kids will be served at the restaurant by the lobby. You will need a food/ice cream ticket (to be found inside your event pass).
There are many, partly overlapping happenings at the event. All workshops and presentations are held near the downstairs lobby.
For kids (for detailed information on the workshops, see below)
- Aalto Junior Workshops and Tiedekerho Workshops. Parents are welcome to join the workshops with their children.
- Exploring a police car, police motor cycle and fire truck as well as the armoured personnel carrier Patria Pasi
- Attending a test drive for an electric car together with parents (please note that child seats are not provided).
- Scientist Pii’s show at 15.00 (duration: 25 minutes)
5. Snacks and ice cream
For adults (for detailed information on the presentations, see below)
- School’s professors’ and experts’ info sessions on various themes (e.g. cyber security, smart buildings, home security, nanosatellites and AI)
- Visit the Electric Workshop that first year students use to build all kinds of imaginative devices.
- Explore demos built at the School (e.g. robots, nanosatellite and 3D sound)
- Electrical car test drives
- Explore a police car, police motor cycle and fire truck as well as the armoured personnel carrier Patria Pasi
- Coffee, tea and snacks
Science Club Workshops, Rooms 1–4 on the map (pre-registration necessary using the registration form)
Workshops will be held every half an hour from 14.00 until 17.00. During Scientist Pii’s Show at 15.00–15.30 there will be no workshops).
Room 1: Candy Research: Researching colours dissolving from colourful candies with real researcher equipment.
Room 2: Candy Architecture: Building three-dimensional models out of marshmallow and spaghetti.
Room 3: Pipetting Exercise: Kids will learn pipetting and practice precision. There will be real researcher equipment: micropipettes, Petri dishes, food colouring waters.
Room 4: Para film: Exploring para film used by researchers.
Aalto Junior Workshops, Rooms A–E on the map (pre-registration necessary using the registration form)
Workshops will be held every half an hour from 14 .00 until 17.00. During Scientist Pii’s Show at 15.00–15.30 there will no workshops.
Room A: How do traffic lights work? Learn how to build and program traffic lights with Arduino.
Room B: Send messages to friends! Learn how to send encrypted messages through optical fiber.
Room C: Robot labyrinth: Programming a robot to move in a labyrinth.
Room D: Getting to know electricity and magnetism. Learn what electricity and magnetism are in a fun way by making simple connections and building an electric motor.
Scientist Pii’s Show at 15.00–15.25 on the downstairs lobby of Maarintie 8. Learn more about Scientist Pii here (In Finnish).
Technology Info Sessions, lecture hall TU1, 13.30–16.20 (in Finnish)
Hosted by ELEC’s Development Manager Sakari Heikkilä and Technology Manager Petri Hyvönen.
13.30–13.45 Älykäs sähköverkko
Professori Matti Lehtonen
13.50–14.05 Kyberturvallisuus
Professori Jarno Limnéll
14.10–14.25 Käyttöliittymät
Professori Antti Oulasvirta
14.30–14.45 Diagnostiikkaa nanomateriaaleilla
Professori Tomi Laurila
14.50–15.05 Antennit ja langaton maailma
Professori Ville Viikari
15.10–15.25 Nanosatelliitit
Professori Jaan Praks
15.30–15.45 Älykäs rakennus
Professori Heikki Ihasalo
15.50–16.05 Miltä supermassiiviset mustat aukot näyttävät radioteleskoopilla nähtynä
Johtaja Joni Tammi, Metsähovin radiotutkimusasema
16.10–16.25 Mikä ihmeen 3D-ääni
Tohtoriopiskelija Juhani Paasonen
Presentations suitable for everyone (in Finnish), lecture hall AS1, 13.20–16.25
Hosted by the Chair of Aalto University's Guild of Electrical Engineering Kiia Einola.
13.20–13.45 Tulevaisuuden liikenne ja autonomiset autot
Specialist (mobility and space) Tuomas Sauliala, Reaktor
14.00–14.25 Turvallisuus kotona – mitä kannattaa tehdä ennakkoon ja mitä varkauden jälkeen
Poliisin asiantuntija
14.40–15.05 Paloturvallisuus kotona – mitä ennakkoon kannattaa tehdä ja mitä tulipalon sattuessa
Palokunnan päällikkö Sampo Salmi, Leppävaaran VPK
15.20–15.45 Puolustusvoimat tänään
Everstiluutnantti Petri Toivonen, Uudenmaan jääkäripataljoonan komentaja
16.00–16.25 Mikä ihmeen tekoäly
Professori Leo Kärkkäinen, Aalto-yliopisto
Electric Workshop
First year students use this workshop to build all kinds of imaginative devices. Tours to the workshop are organized every half an hour, the first tour starting at 13.30 and next tours at 14, 14.30, 15.30 ja 16. The tours start at the INFO desk and they are hosted by Electric Workshop teacher Kimmo Silvonen.
Demos Built at the School of Electrical Engineering, rooms X and Y on the map
Explore 3D-Sound, robots, nanosatellites, a floating magnet, electrical bicycle that produces electricity, health chair, radio technology equipment and many more.
Electrical Cars Test Drives (6 brands, 9 cars)
You can reserve a 15-minute test drive for an electrical car when registering for the event. Test drives are organized from 13.00 onwards every 15 minutes. There will be no test drives from 15.00-15.30 during Scientist Pii’s Show.
Up to 4 persons may participate in the test drive. The cars are located on the parking space between Maarintie 8 and Maarintie 10, by the entrance.
Available cars: Tesla Model S, Tesla Model X, BMW i3, Renault Zoe, Hyundai IONIQ Electric, Hyundai IONIQ Hybrid, Volkswagen e-Golf and 2 Nissan Leaf.
Police car, fire truck and APC Patria Pasi
You can explore a police car, a police motorcycle and a fire track as well an armoured personnel carrier Patria Pasi on the parking space in front of the Maarintie 8 building (in front of the main entrance).
For more information
Seppo Saastamoinen
Manager for Alumni and Corporate Relations
Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering