Aurinkoenergiatutkimuksen kärkinimi vierailee Aalto-yliopistossa
Prof. Eicke R. Weber, arvostetun Fraunhofer ISEn johtaja, puhuu aurinkokennojen roolista uusiutuviin lähteisiin perustuvassa energiantuotannossa.
"The role of photovoltaics in our future renewables-based energy system"
Lue lisää professori Eicke R. Weberistä täältä.
Paikka: Micronova, iso seminaarisali, Tietotie 3, 02150 Espoo
Englanninkielisen puheen abstrakti:
"We know that renewable, climate-neutral energy is vital for our survival. Solar energy is available in virtually limitless quantity, and photovoltaic cell production is increasingly cost-competitive. However, the energy system lags behind. Effective technologies in smart energy distribution, renewable-source transport and storage are needed, demanding political and social innovation. This talk will emphasize the actions that are needed for a sustainable global energy system."