Flux-tunable heat sink for quantum electric circuits

2018-02-20 13:15:00 2018-02-20 14:15:00 Europe/Helsinki Flux-tunable heat sink for quantum electric circuits Aalto Quantum Physics Seminar (Nanotalo). Speaker: Mr. Matti Partanen (QCD, Aalto University, Finland). http://old.ele.aalto.fi/en/midcom-permalink-1e81546f16cb998154611e8a85db357f634ef11ef11 Puumiehenkuja 2, 02150, Espoo

Aalto Quantum Physics Seminar (Nanotalo). Speaker: Mr. Matti Partanen (QCD, Aalto University, Finland).

20.02.2018 / 13:15 - 14:15
Nanotalo, 161, Puumiehenkuja 2, 02150, Espoo, Otaniemi, FI

In the framework of circuit quantum electrodynamics, we experimentally demonstrate a flux-tunable environment that can potentially be used for qubit initialization. Our system consists of two coupled resonators: one with a high quality factor, and the other with a low quality factor and a tunable resonance frequency achieved with a superconducting quantum interference device. We can tune the loaded quality factor of the system from above 10^5 down to a few thousand in good quantitative agreement with our model.